Bad Reviews & Their Answers

(Just a few of them who deserved it...)

For your entertainment

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Gown Hem With Horsehair 130 KB

Helene Bennett

Google review from April 2024

Overpriced $250 for a hem on a simple gown, no price list, they make it up, don’t recommend

Josh (owner)

Answer to Bad Google Review

Once again!!! Why did you leave us the dress to be worked on if you did not agree with the price. We did not force you to leave us the work. You had the choice and you are attacking our reputation for your own decision.

We did not hide anything from you. Everything was written on your invoice and detailed for you to see the breakdown for your order..

We can't have the same price for everything as I explained to you and your husband when you picked up your order.

We can't charge the same for a hem on a pair of pants and a hem on a complicated wedding dress. The price is established by the seamstress when she sees what type of garment you ask her to work on..

Not all gems on dresses are the same. So many variables will impact the time it takes them to do the work. We can't charge you the same thing for work that take us 5 minutes or 3 hours to do... But the first rule is not to blame someone else for your own decisions. It is unfair to attack us for your choice of going somewhere else when you had full knowledge of the total cost.

You decided to jump off the bridge and you realized you should not have jumped because you ended up hurting yourself.

Nobody pushed you, nobody encouraged you, nobody forced you to jump... But you did! And now you are attacking the bridge builder for building the bridge too high... That doesn't make sense!

Next time you go somewhere for having work done, ask for the prices and leave if it doesn't agree with you. Don't make them pay for your own regrets. They have nothing to do with it...

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Sunshine State Divorce

Google review from April 2024

These people are crooks! Real thieves! Don’t do business with them. To make a skirt shorter and smaller they charged me $96.00 I can buy three new identical skirts to mine for that money. I should have left the skirt and walk away!

Josh (owner)

Answer to Bad Google Review

My name is Josh. I am the owner of Hem Over Heels.

I make a point of letting you know who I am because your review is posted under an entity I did not deal with. "Sunshine State Divorce" is not the person we assisted on December 9, 2023.

Thankfully, you were innocent enough to provide a picture of your invoice with your review... So my replay here is directed at Sandra Picchiello (with a 954... phone number) as it can be clearly seen on the accompanying picture. (!?!?!?).

All the work to be done was written and detailed on your invoice on the day you came in. The seamstress did the fitting and we wrote everything down for you to know the cost of all the things that needed to be done. We did let you know of those prices as we were listing them and we gave you a copy on the final invoice. We did not hide anything from you. We were very clear about our pricing and... WE NEVER FORCED YOU, TWISTED YOUR ARM or INSISTED for you to leave us the work YOU ASKED US to do...

Furthermore, after getting notified of your review, we looked at your order history and we found out you picked it up and paid for it only on February 3 2024, that is nearly 2 months after you brought it in.

As you can see on the picture of the invoice, the dress was ready for you as of December 14, 2023. We are not like many other places that gets rid of your items after 30 days. We waited for your return patiently and we honored our end of the work order. You never told us anything about a bad job or bad work or any problems with the work we've done for you. You are simply attacking our reputation for the prices you freely agreed to pay...

Something is also very weird about you waiting another 2 months after you picked up and (again) freely paid your order to finally write this fantastic review...

Are you slow or is it that you have nothing better to do over there at "Sunshine State Divorce" (aka Miss Sandra Picchiello that can be reached at (954)...) This review answer is posted on this April 13, 2024 (2 hours after receiving it via Google Reviews notification)

Next time, if you don't agree with the price people are charging you for their services, just don't leave the work in the first place. If the work is bad, then that is something else. But the price issue should not be caused for retaliation against the business you agreed to do business with...

Think about it! (Sunshine Sandra State Picchiello Divorce).

I am not married, I suppose I won't be able to use your services and do the same to your business reputation...

Thanks for nothing!

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Maria N

Google, Yelp!, Nextdoor & BBB (amongst others) reviews from January 17, 2024

I had an awful experience yesterday. I took my perfectly fine boots in to have one heel tip replaced. The young woman behind the counter examined the boot and said that I needed new soles. I said I didn’t want new soles. She then handed the boot to Josh the owner, sitting behind her, who proceeded to inspect my boot yet again. He said I needed new soles and proceeded to rip the sole off starting at the toe, ripped it off halfway down the boot! I don’t know how he was able to separate the sole from the leather boot to get it started because the boot was fine to begin with.

First pic – missing tip.
Second pic – perfectly fine boot.
Third pic – after Josh pulled the sole off!

Who does this??? I was stunned. He handed my boot back to the young lady and said $20 for the heel and $25 for the soles. I should have demanded he glue the sole back, but I was so taken aback, I just left with my boot. I wouldn’t give this business one penny.

EDIT to my review above after reading their response to me:

Any reasonable person would understand that your snarky, condensending, holier-than-thou remarks hold no weight. I asked for one heel tip (not heels) and you ripped the sole off my boot. YOU HAD NO RIGHT!

Josh (owner)

Answer to Bad Google, Yelp!, Nextdoor reviews & to the BBB... (Can we please get this on the radio & TV?)

Oh my God! What an awful experience you had there! Such a nightmare!

Your boots looked perfectly fine when you brought them in and they did that to you?!?…

They should be brought to court for damages to your property…

Yet, a question pops in my mind about all this… Why did you bring them in to be fixed to begin with if they were perfectly fine?

Oh yes! You mentioned that you wanted new heels on… Right! Oh! And you also mentioned that they were boots… That is another thing, but how often does anybody wears boots down here in Florida anyway? Everybody wears flip-flops and sandals nearly year round… So! I guess you only wear those boots bout once or maybe twice a year at most. Of course, there are exceptions. I understand that!

Yet, the chances are that you did not wear these boots during the scorching and brutal hot days of summer right? Let me tell you something that you may not know…

What you don’t use, you loose! It’s got nothing to do with the humidity or the heat in Florida, but the simple fact that you do not use your shoes or your boots contributes to the deterioration of your items.

The simplest analogy I can give you is the same as a rubber band that you use constantly. It will keep working for you until you stop using it. If it sits there untouched for a few weeks, it will break if it had time to crystallize and dry. The same thing happens to glue that hold the shoe parts together. The glue dries and only gives you the impression that they are perfectly fine.

If I don’t assess the items you bring me, chances are that I will have undesired surprises when I work on your shoes (boots). I will start to put heels on (as requested) and then the soles are gonna start to fall apart on me as I manipulate your shoes. Therefore, I would be required to reglue your soles for free.

If you want me to put new tires on your car and I notice the car needs a new motor, I will not put new tires on your car just because that is the only thing you wanted. It doesn’t make sense. I cannot just put heels on your boots and give you the soles in a different bag and still expect you to pay for the heels. I either do the whole job or I don’t do the job at all.

We give you all the info necessary for you to make a wise decision. Do you want to invest into the repair or would that money better be spent on a new pair of boots. We told you the cost of the heels was $20 and the cost of regluing the soles was $25 (We never told you you needed new soles). For a total of $45 plus taxes. Not regluing the soles is not an option. You can’t wear these boots without all the work being done. Dismissing our warning is at your cost and peril.

We do our assessment for all the shoes that comes into the store. If I am able to peal your soles off of your boots with my bare fingers with the ease of a banana peal, you should take note of it as a fair warning. In reality we were saving you from lots of pain and possible visits to the hospital. We did not even have time to explain all that to you. You thought we were out to squeeze more money out of you… But in reality, we were trying to save you money… Too bad you couldn’t recognize that! And now you are out for revenge attacking our reputation on as many platforms you can find to hurt us! Ouch!!! (You are welcome!)

PS. The pictures you posted proves my point. Can you see any glue in there? Take another look! Shoes that are in good condition will not come apart that easily. Yours were bone dry! That is why they came apart and that is why people come to me.

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Chris F (Coconut Creek, FL)

Yelp! review from February 22, 2024

Not very friendly. Got lectured for not having my receipt even though they took an extensive amount of information when I first dropped off my items.

‍ As you can see by the response here, it was how I was I treated and spoken to when I did not have the receipt.

They did a fine job but an owner of a company should act professionally. All you had to say was hey next time please keep track of that ticket it's very important. Not a terrible attitude like I had done something wrong. Maybe a little reflection here would suit you.

Josh (owner)

Answer to Bad Yelp review

Wow! You decided to damage my reputation because of THAT?!?...

First of all! We only ask for your first name, your last name and phone number... I don't believe that this falls into the "extensive" category. I need to know who I am dealing with when I accept to repair the items you drop off... Another reason for this is if I need to contact you at some time in the future because you forgot to pick up your order... It happens... You'd probably be happy that I was able to remind you of it.

Another reason we take your name and phone number is in the case where you lost your claim ticket... That way we can look it up in the computer to find your order... That's why you did not have to wait too long to get your items. We had enough information and were able to help quickly.

Second, I ask you to please keep track of your ticket in case one day you walk in and my computer doesn't work. I would not be able to know what items you dropped in, where is it in the store and I would spend 5-10-15 minutes looking everywhere to find your order. It is easy to imagine such a scenario. You would become totally restless waiting for us to find your order only having some vague description of your items to work with... What if you were to pick up a pair of black shoes. Do you have the slightest idea how many pairs of black shoes I would be going through before I could find the pair that belongs to you? All the while, I would also prioritize every customers walking in the store that cared enough to keep track of the ticket I printed for each of them like I did with you.

I don't ask much! I only ask you to "PLEASE" bring that claim ticket back when you pick up. I don't believe it is too much to ask. It is my responsibility not to loose any of your items when you leave them with me. It is your responsibility not to loose a simple piece of paper designed to lead me straight to your order, guiding me where to find it and making the process as smooth as possible.

What if I made a typing mistake when I entered your name in the computer? Did you even bother verifying that your information was correct on your invoice? Did you verify that I wrote the correct phone number? Did you check to see that all the items you left me to work on where all showing on that invoice. Did you read it to know the business hours. Did you know that we also wrote on that same ticket that your order was gonna be ready on a pre-determined date and time?

Did you notice that you can't use an American Express card when you come to pay for your order... These are all pertinent information found on that ticket. It is not just a stupid and annoying part of the transaction. It is your copy of the contract between us. It is not insignificant!. If it is not pertinent to you, it is to me! Could you please respect this?

There are multiple reasons more that I could detail here to explain why it is important for you to bring me back the paper I print for you. If we did not need that paper to run smoothly, I would not make a point of printing it. I am simply asking you to help me out by working with me to keep the service as easy as it could be. I hope I am not putting too much responsibility on your shoulders. It is just a simple piece of paper. Too hard?

I simply tried to ask for your help next time by keeping track of that paper for me "Please"... That was not a lecture but my reply to your review sure is a lecture.

By the way! My computer was working when you showed up and was able to find your order... You did not say anything about the work we did for you. Our reputation is negatively impacted by your review because of your own misunderstanding of the simplest responsibility of bringing back a piece of paper.
Nice going Champ!

BTW about 35% of people don't bring back their ticket. You are not alone. You have no idea how frustrating that becomes. I was just asking you to help me next time... In 15 years in business, You are the first one to post a bad review based on the ticket issue.

You must have major issues to take the time off your busy schedule and dedicate some of that time to write a bad review, attacking the reputation of a business, just for that ... Like I started this "lecture": Wow!

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Fischel Weiss

Google review from October 2023

[Customer did not write anything specific about what made him "pissed off" enough to leave us this review!]

Josh (owner)

Answer to Bad Google Review

Another low life that has nothing better to do other than damage people's reputation... Not even leaving his motivations, his side of the story for you to understand the reason for his revenge... So I will tell you!

This guy comes in and asks how much to alter his pants...

"Well it depends what you need to have done" He then asks when it will be done... "Well, usually when people ask me that question it means that you need it fast... Let me not try to guess what your deadline is... Just tell me when you need it so that I can tell you if I can do it in time for you..."

He tells me that he needs it for Sunday... "Okay! Well we can do it but you'll have to pay a rush fee"

He wants to know how much that's gonna be... "We first need to know how much work we need to do to determine that..."

He tells me he wants to taper the legs and make his pants shorter and he goes in to the fitting room to put it on...

When the seamstress comes out I let her know that she needs to tell him the price of what he wants done as she does the fitting for him to know what to expect...and that he needs is done for the day after (Friday since he couldn't pick up on Saturday because of religious reasons)...

As she starts to do her fitting, she tells him that the tapering of the legs is gonna be $25 and the hem will be $17.

So as this information trickles into his brain slowly... He asks for us to give him the total for his pants.

"It is $25 for the legs and $17 for the hem, that's $42 and you have to pay the $10 rush fee and taxes... So the total..."

He then interrupts me and says: "Wait! You're gonna charge me rush fee on top of that?!?" as he rushes down to the fitting room to change into his other clothes looking offended by what we said... As he was changing I reminded his that I was very clear about the rush job fee from the beginning (but visibly that was the part that did upset him).

"Need I remind you that we normally have one week turnaround time to that type of work. We are able to accommodate you but you need to pay extra especially since you need it tomorrow Sir!" To which he replied: "A week!?! What do you do all day?"

I lost it!
"Well f@%k you! What do you think we do here all day?... We work... We are not all here twirling our tombs waiting for you to show up to give us something to do... Who the F@%k you think you are?"...

This low life did not deserve any respect in view of the disrespect he showed us and proved it by spitting up this review.

You want to be respected? You'll be respected to the same level you will show respect for me. You disrespect me! Don't expect my salty language to stay hidden for long. I hope it stays with you as long as this review will stay up. (Idiot!)

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Emaad Mirza

Google review from May 2023

Guy on the phone was rude. like what even is the point its Friday and there's too many tailors to be acting like that

Josh (owner)

Answer to Bad Google Review

Sir!!! How dare you review our business if you did not even set foot in our store to appreciate the work we do. If you are the one who called in to know how much I charged for a hem, I answered your question by saying that it starts at $17. You asked me if there is a bulk pricing and I answered that the bottom price is $17 for a basic hem.

How is that rude and deserving of a review that is aimed at attacking our reputation?

Honestly Sir! There are plenty of more constructive ways to contribute to society than that. Considering how you can have an opinion on the quality of an establishment by acting the way you did, I suggest you find another way to proceed because you are not too good at what you just did...

Thanks for nothing! You think I was rude! I suggest you take a look at what you did and reflect on your own action. Who was the rude one... You or me? It is Friday night and there ain't that many tailors around anymore by the way.

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marie ferrigno

Google review from May 2023

I brought 3 long dresses in to HEM- $117! I told them to keep the dresses. I got them at a thrift store (excellent condition) and paid less than $15 for all 3.

Josh (owner)

Answer to Bad Google Review

Wow! Your nice little visit and stupidity ends up costing me (as an owner) close to $60 (out of my pocket) because you left us a job to do and did not even bother to read the detailed invoice I produced for you.

On top of it you pile it up even thicker on my back by slapping on a bad (not deserved) review trying to destroy our reputation. We did the work as you requested. We wrote the price for each item you brought in. We never asked you how much you paid for your items and you never asked us what it would cost you to hem them either.

There is no surprise here at all. We gave you an invoice detailing the work to be done before you left the store on September 20 (Tuesday). You can't claim you did not have the information about what it would cost you right from the beginning. Your order was to be ready on September 24 (Saturday). But you only showed up well after you knew your order was completed to let us know you did not like the price of the work and that "for that price, you can keep my dresses"... (on September 27 - the following Tuesday...)!?! Stiffing me up!

It never dawned on you to just call in to cancel your order??? It never crossed you mind to come back in and just say that (after all) it wasn't worth it for you to invest this money in hemming your items and that you would just take them back before we would spend time working on it any further... That would have been the right approach for such a situation.

We already spent time with you doing the fitting. If you were not gonna go ahead with the process, it would have been nice to allow the seamstress to dedicate her energy on something else that other customers agree to pay for her valuable time. Letting her go thru the whole process and not accepting to pay for what she's done for you is not acceptable for anybody (except you apparently).

As a business owner, I choose to serve my customers with respect. I allow my customers to pay after the service is complete with satisfaction. I always use this analogy: "You can have a burger at a fast food but you need to pay for your burger before you eat it. Or you can go and have a steak at a steakhouse, have your meal, enjoy it and pay for it at the end of your meal. Well, Hem Over Heels is the steakhouse of the service world. I want you satisfaction first, not your money..." But paying your share of that service agreement (accepted by you when you leave us the work to be done) is what I expect of my clientele.

Unfortunately, you have no concept of the consequences this may have on others.

It doesn't matter to us what you've paid to acquire your items. The work remains the same and we charge you for the work we do for you. It would all be given to you as gifts, we can't gift you our work because it need to be in direct proportion to the price paid for your items... That's not the way it works.

What is more upsetting is that you did not even attempt to contact us to cancel the order until it was done and past its due date. If only you would have done that, I would not have to pay the employee who still deserve to be paid for her work. Unfortunately you let that responsibility fall on someone else shoulders to pay for your lack of judgement. And to thank that person who will end up taking on that tab for you, you simply come in and (figuratively) spit in that person's face. What a lovely human being you are. We truly hope not to cross path with you ever again.

For people reading this, just know that this customer had a Palazzo style jumpsuit (wide leg) for a hem at $35, one dress hem for $35 and another dress for a hem at $40. (plus taxes). Let it be known that we do not hide prices for anybody. We do not surprise you at the last moment. We are clear and we write everything down on an invoice before you go. We print that invoice for you and it is your responsibility to read it, agree to it or change your mind and take your items back with you if you don't agree. We will remove our pins and it won't be a problem at all!

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Bonnie Lipner

Google review from May 2023

I went to have a pair of shoes polished and a few holes punched in belts and all I got was rude words. The belts needed a hole punch and he wanted to redo them completely, by shortening . We never even got to discuss the shoes. He threw up his hands and said he didn't need my business.. AND HE DIDN'T GET IT.

Josh (owner)

Answer to Bad Google Review

Well "Bonnie"! When you showed up you sure did not look like a "Bonnie" to me. A man came in and I am pretty sure his name was not "Bonnie"... So the reply to this review is directed at the gentleman who showed up in my store yesterday.

That being said! I just want to let you know that my job is to guide you when you come in to my establishment. It is my job to give you all the options available for you to make an informed decision for whatever problems you bring me. I do not force anybody to do work they don't want done. But if you don't know some of your options and the outcome is less than satisfactory, you can't blame me for it. You choose the option that you want. It's just my job to show you the menu...

So when I start offering you options for your belts, I assume you will be willing to listen to what I have to say. But if you interrupt me all the time by telling me that you know, you know, you know... but I can clearly see that you truly don't know where I am heading, I tend to stand my ground and keep giving you information with the hope you will actually understand what I am telling you.

At some point "Bonnie", you told me to lower my voice. You thought I was shouting at you. This is the way I talk all the time "Sir Bonnie"!!! But I saw that you were not listening to what I was telling you. You kept insisting and telling me that "you knew".

But you clearly did not know where I was heading... But somehow, I finally got thought to you and your facial expression changed because you finally saw some light. Unfortunately it wasn't clear enough for you so I kept on explaining your options but you, again, interrupted me telling me to lower my voice and kept on telling me you knew everything already...

Well! At one point, I give up and I prefer to let it go. Obviously you like to let it be known that "you know everything"! Good for you!

If you are not allowing me to do my job, it is best to let you go find happiness somewhere else. There are plenty of unscrupulous places around that will be happy to take your money and run with it. They don't care... I do! I was simply offering you 2 choices.

Option "A": to punch a hole or two or three in your belts like you wanted when you came in. My point was to let you know that you overlap would become too long and would become an eyesore. But if you didn't care, I would just punch those holes at no charge for you.

The option "B": Was to shorten the belt from the buckle side so that the belt would be balanced and looking the way designers intended in the first place. If you decided to take that option, I was gonna charge you for that service. Holes are free, shortening the belt come with a charge. It's up to you to choose what you want. I don't mind either way.

But I just wasn't able to explain your options. You kept interrupting me and telling me to lower my voice.

That is why I decided to show you that I was not going to waste my time and/or your time any further. If you don't like my tone of voice, if you don't like my explanations, if you don't want my expertise, than, there is no need to insist. Let's just part ways right away. No need to insist. I won't be able to satisfy you and you will always think I am rude and I will always think of you as a "know it all" that in the end just "didn't get it".

A little bit better listening might be helpful in your case. A lot more patience is what I need for customers like you...

PS. To Bonnie (who ever you are): I would suggest you be careful who you allow to use your account to put reviews like this. It may reflect back on you in ways you don't expect and appreciate especially when you were not in the store to witness the behavior of the gentleman I was trying to help.

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Jim P. (Boynton Beach, FL)

Google review from May 5, 2023

I was all set to give Hem Over Heels a good review based on the quality of their work even they are pretty pricey. But I had a bad experience when I picked up my suit after it was tailored, and their poor customer service and attitude has resulted in this low evaluation.

My initial visit to have the suit measured went well. I didn't have to make an appointment, and everyone was pleasant and professional.

The suit needed a fair amount of tailoring in both the jacket and the pants. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that the turnaround time would be less than one week.

At $300, the price seemed quite high though. It was about 3 times what a department store would charge if I purchased a new suit that needed tailoring. But I figured I could avoid the cost of buying a new suit and Hem Over Heels was a local, dedicated tailor (who also sharpens knives & fixes shoes!), so I decided to proceed with having them do the work.

When I picked up the suit, the tailoring appeared to be well done. I asked about the length of the jacket, which had not been shortened, and the seamstress said that it would look better if it were shorter. She pinned it up and it definitely looked much better.

That additional work would cost almost $100 more. Yikes! I asked if there was any sort of discount available, and Josh, the owner, said we could get 10% discount if we had paid upfront, which I hadn't done because he never mentioned the discount at the time I dropped off the suit. The 10% discount could only be applied to the additional $100 charge to shorten the jacket.

I am not at all happy with how Josh and his staff treat their customers. Not only did they not suggest that the jacket be shortened at the time of my fitting, Josh said I was solely responsible for telling them what I wanted to be adjusted on the suit. In other words, they are just order takers and don't ask about any alterations beyond what the customer requests. Aren't they supposed to be the tailoring experts? Don't they add any value to the relationship with the customer?

Josh became quite argumentative and insisted that I should have told him everything I wanted adjusted on the suit rather than working with me and offering suggestion on what to alter to make the suit fit best.

And why didn't they offer the discount during my first visit when I initially said the price was very high? They didn't offer me the opportunity to pay upfront and obtain the discount.

Hem Over Heels needs to learn to help customers and be professionals. They'velost a customer (and hopefully other potential customers who read this) because they don't care about customer satisfaction and service. It's too bad because, as I said, they do good work.

Josh (owner)

Answer to Bad Yelp! Review

My reply won't help to change your appreciation for my lack of skills when it comes to the customer service aspect of my business...

But I am sorry to bring you back to earth but you are not the exception to the rule wherever you go.

We do what you request of us when it comes to alteration. Our own personal taste should not factor into the way you want to dress up. When we did the original fitting, you were seeing your own reflection in the mirror just like we did. Why didn't you mention something about the length of your jacket. It was long as made you look like you were wearing suits like in Miami Vice (long and ample). We are not the ones to tell you the 80's are finished. You liked it like that, we do it like that...

When you tried your jacket after the initial alterations you noticed looked at it again and saw that it could still be improved if some more work was done. We can't figure this out for you. You need to see it. If it is something we did that needs to be adjusted, that will be included in the original price. But if you want some new work done, then we charge you for the value of that new work only.

It is the same as bringing your car for repair and when it is in working order after the repair you wanted to put tinted windows. The repair shoppe will gladly do it for you as long as you pay for that new work. The fact that you spent so much on the previous repair would not count as points towards everything else you may want to stack on top of it thereafter.

As far as the coupon is concerned... The rules apply to everyone without exception. It is written on your invoice that no coupon is allowed on orders at pick up time. It is not retroactive either. To use a coupon, you need to "PREPAY" your order at the time it is dropped in. It is also printed on the coupon. "No Exception" is also written on it too. In reality, you want to be the exception. You want to be able to claim your bonus for passing "GO" wherever and whenever you want. You want to claim the right to right to get $200 even if your token is stopped on one of the railroad cards at monopoly if it is what you want...

Well it doesn't work that way at Hem Over Heels. We give you the opportunity to use a valid coupon if you follow the rules.

If you don't like it, that is your option to make me an offer and run my business the way you want without exception. You determine the way you want it run and I am sure you'll find plenty of potential customers unhappy about the way you run it. They'll all want to claim $200 wherever they are in the universe you will want to control.

Another thing! The prices are given to you and listed on your invoice. Everything is listed and you know what is the cost for each item that we do. For $300, You had lots of work done on your suit. You mentioned that the work was good but a bit pricey. Nobody forced you to leave us the work in the first place. You agreed to the cost of the alteration and gave us the okay to proceed at the price we showed you. If you would have given us the coupon then, you would have saved 10% off of that. For the additional work of shortening your jacket, you would have been give a break as long as you would have paid the extra money at the time it was requested.

Some people wait until they find a coupon to come and pick up an order that is 6 or 7 months old. They want to use the coupon as a form of payment... This is not why I advertise my business. A coupon is designed to stimulate people to bring me new work in. Not to lower prices that was already agreed to by both parties.

Just know that I also think that you were unfair with us. We gave you great work and all we got in return is a reputation damaging review that is unbalanced. Good work is not worth anything in your book.

I hope you are happy with the service you get ("without exception").
Thanks for your review!